Burning Desire is the name of the mission that lands the main character, CJ, his first girlfriend in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas....
Burning Desire is the name of the mission that lands the main character,
CJ, his first girlfriend in "Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas." More girls
become available as you progress, adding an extra layer of fun to the
game. You can discover some of them by completing missions, but you are
not required to date any of them to complete the game.
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The other potential girlfriends in San Andreas have certain
likes and dislikes when it comes to physical attraction. Denise is the
only one that does not. She will often ask you to do a drive-by, and
will even help you shoot at enemy gangs if you get close enough. The
Cluckin' Bell restaurant is an acceptable choice if she asks for
something to eat. Increase your relationship with Denise to 100 percent
and you'll receive a pimp suit reward.
Michelle is a mechanic who lives in the northern part of San
Fierro. She prefers that CJ have at least 50 percent body fat and high
sex appeal. Sex appeal points are influenced by clothing, tattoos,
haircut and expensive cars. Michelle is first discovered in the driving
school that appears on the map after completing certain missions. The
best way to please Michelle on a date is by speeding -- and during a
rare Special Date, she asks CJ if she can drive. Once your relationship
with Michelle reaches 50 percent, she'll give you the keys to her truck.
At 100 percent, you'll get a racing suit.
Barbara is a policewoman who also likes CJ best if he has
high sex appeal and increased body fat. She lives in El Quebrados, which
is on the northwest end of Las Venturas Island. She's found in the
parking lot by the police station, and the game never shows you where
she lives. Barbara wants you to drive slow, but not too slow. If she
wants to go dancing, take her to one of the clubs in Las Venturas or San
Fierro. If she asks for a food date, a diner is the best choice.
Helena is a lawyer that lives on a farm in the small town of
Flint Range. When you first meet her, she is shooting targets from the
rooftop at Blueberry Ammunation, which is located in Red County. Helena
is attracted to low muscle, low fat and high sex appeal. She likes to
eat at restaurants, and does not like CJ to drive fast. Dating Helena
gives you access to her tool shed, which is stocked with a flamethrower,
chainsaw, pistol and Molotov cocktails. Date her long enough and you
are rewarded with overalls and a flannel shirt.
Katie is discovered by the Avispa Country Club in San
Fierro. Her physical preferences include high sex appeal and at least 75
percent muscle. She lives in the Paradise district and is there from
noon to midnight. The perfect date for Katie is at the diner by her
home. It is past the bridge and down the exit on the right side. Katie
invites CJ inside for coffee once your relationship reaches 50 percent.
Dating Katie lets you receive treatment at the hospital for free, and
your weapons are not taken away. You will eventually receive a medic
uniform as a gift.
Meet Millie in the mission "'Key to her heart." She will will automatically become your
girlfriend during this mission. Take her to a restaurant if she wants a
food date; she also likes driving dates in which you just cruise around.
Dating Millie is part of the main story, but you need to date her
enough (about 35 percent) in order to get a key card to Caligula's
casino. At 50 percent you can drive her pink Club, which is parked
outside her house when she is home.
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