how to hug a girl pua

There are three particular situations for when a kiss close can occur. Here are the earliest "situations" under solid game. Situ...

There are three particular situations for when a kiss close can occur. Here are the earliest "situations" under solid game.
Situation One
If, during and by the end of A3, the target is isolated from her set, then you can go for the kiss close at the end of A3. A very effective way of doing this is to use an extension of A3 to escalate kino, thus using the bait/hook/reel/release principle. Let me give you an example of this:
To extend your A3 kino-wise:
1. first of, tell her to smile if she likes you. (she always will or give an SOI here, but only in the A3 isolation situation).
2. Then say that you want to see what she looks like in your hat (this is what i use to bait and hook), and adjust her hair to size her up, lightly brushing her shoulders as well. Tell her that she looks good but is still a bad girl (reel and release)
3. then say you won't speak to her again unless she gives a good hug (bait). She gives one (hook): whilst hugging, you say that shes cuddly (reel) but you rate it 4 out of ten and that she can do better than that (release). Then you give her a killer hug and give that a higher rating. Also, make sure your heads are touching close to one another, side by side.
4. then, ask her what perfume that is she's wearing. Sniff her hair and neck and get her to do the same for your cologne. (both pua and target are reeling each other in here)
5. if she gets it right, give her a kiss on the nose, or if not, tell her nose is squishy and kiss it anyway. if she leans in towards the side of your mouth/cheek area at all between points
3. and 4., that is the precise moment where you should kiss her. (its easy to spot in field, trust me)
Now for the other situations to kiss close.
Situation Two If the target is NOT isolated from her set during and by the end of A3, you should isolate the target within the venue first (i.e enter C1) before attempting any close. Here's a great way to do this:
To kiss close in C1 because the target was not isolated prior to C1
1. run the cube on her first or a similar read
2. do a palm read but at the end, try and get her to do one on you.
3. she obviously can't so you say you'll play the question game.
4. during the game, have your arm around her. Make sure you're asking nosy questions.
5. After about 3 or 4 questions, pretend to notice a smell in her hair: proceed to sniff her hair and neck for her perfume and get her to do the same for your cologne. Make sure you're actually touching her hair whilst doing this and setting quite close to her.
6. ask one more question, and then ask her if she'd like to kiss you. They always say yes
Situation Three
If for some reason the kiss close occurs in A2 (or A1 for that matter) as in a fools mate close, proceed to A3, then C1. NEVER EVER bypass A3, EVER.
so in short response, under solid game, kiss close at the end of A3 if the target is already isolated during and by the end of A3. If the target is not isolated, do this first before attempting any close. Isolation is the most important thing to acknowledge. If for some reason a fools mate kiss close occurs in A2, proceed to A3, and then C1, not C1 before A3.
As for the "quickest" way to achieve these consistently, obviously its under solid game. Since A2 is over in about 2 minutes, depending on how long your material is in A3, you should be able to get the kiss close within 5-7 minutes of talking in most situations.

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