how to handle cancerian girl
How To Handle Cancerian Woman & How Moon Influences Their Life She is extremely loyal and will keep you happy with her warm and rich ...
How To Handle Cancerian Woman & How Moon Influences Their Life
She is extremely loyal and will keep you happy with her warm and rich humor.Once she is committed to you, she will remain yours forever and ever.Adultery is not one of her traits.Modesty is a thing with her.She is not too possessive or jealous. But, she does not like sharing her love too.She is one of those who sacrifice all that they have, for their loved ones.She dislikes criticisms, can’t stand rejection and gets deeply hurt by harsh words.With a Cancerian woman, you will always have to be careful with words.The slightest unintentional remark can wound her harshly.Be kind to her mother, or she’ll never forgive you. Mother is a lady she won’t like to see abused. The Cancer girl’s sense of humor doesn’t react favorably to mother-in-law jokes.
It doesn’t matter if she is the current ‘Miss Universe’ or has men drooling over her all the time.It makes no difference if she has a figure like Venus de Milo, a face like Helen of Troy and a mind like Aristotle.It is your attention and appreciation she would be most concerned about.You will have to learn to live with a Cancerian woman’s mood swings, which is not so difficult since she is so good in every other way.Experiencing her moods is like watching one of those old-time silent movies.Sometimes the tune is lively and gay; then it gets melancholy and blue.The music is variable, to suit the occasion, never stagnant or monotonous.She’s just a little mad, slightly sad and superbly imaginative.She also knows how to save the shekels.She is quite careful with money.Neither will she be stingy, nor totally extravagant.
She’s sort of predictable in an unpredictable kind of way.She has a habit of saving things that have a sentimental value attached to them.Your savings account may be of unusual interest to her.She won’t look down on you if you don’t have money, so long as you’re the kind of man who tries to get it.She’ll help you make it and save it.A Cancerian woman may be fragile as far as her feelings are concerned, but when you need her, she will be as strong as the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’. She will also be very protective of her children and make them feel completely secure.The children will also be very close to her and no matter how much far they go from home, they will come back to her.
As you know from the other Sun signs, few women are perfect. The Aries girl is always running around hailing her own taxis and butting her head against brick walls, the Sagittarius girl is shockingly outspoken, the Scorpio girl can frighten you, Gemini can be fickle, Leo too proud- and so on. Cancer women ordinarily have none of these faults.Nevertheless, there are some “donts” to remember with Cancerian women.She hates to be criticized, she is deeply wounded by ridicule, and she just can’t stand being rejected.She won’t fail to impress you with her charm.Cancerian women prefer to save their deepest emotions for people closest to them. After you’ve dated other girls and compared them to her, you may go running right back to your female crab, and beg her to hang on again. Tightly.
Full Moon arouse all her latent talents. Under its spell, she can write a poem, compose a song or tear the veil off mysteries the philosophers have pondered for centuries.Moonlight, this is the time when there are maximum chances of catching true emotions. Bundle her off to the seashore at midnight for a walk in the moonlight. That’s when she’ll be at her best.You’re liable to see her whole range of emotions in the space of an hour. A strange transformation will take place when you get the typical Cancerian girl alone on a beach under a full Moon.
She is extremely loyal and will keep you happy with her warm and rich humor.Once she is committed to you, she will remain yours forever and ever.Adultery is not one of her traits.Modesty is a thing with her.She is not too possessive or jealous. But, she does not like sharing her love too.She is one of those who sacrifice all that they have, for their loved ones.She dislikes criticisms, can’t stand rejection and gets deeply hurt by harsh words.With a Cancerian woman, you will always have to be careful with words.The slightest unintentional remark can wound her harshly.Be kind to her mother, or she’ll never forgive you. Mother is a lady she won’t like to see abused. The Cancer girl’s sense of humor doesn’t react favorably to mother-in-law jokes.
It doesn’t matter if she is the current ‘Miss Universe’ or has men drooling over her all the time.It makes no difference if she has a figure like Venus de Milo, a face like Helen of Troy and a mind like Aristotle.It is your attention and appreciation she would be most concerned about.You will have to learn to live with a Cancerian woman’s mood swings, which is not so difficult since she is so good in every other way.Experiencing her moods is like watching one of those old-time silent movies.Sometimes the tune is lively and gay; then it gets melancholy and blue.The music is variable, to suit the occasion, never stagnant or monotonous.She’s just a little mad, slightly sad and superbly imaginative.She also knows how to save the shekels.She is quite careful with money.Neither will she be stingy, nor totally extravagant.
She’s sort of predictable in an unpredictable kind of way.She has a habit of saving things that have a sentimental value attached to them.Your savings account may be of unusual interest to her.She won’t look down on you if you don’t have money, so long as you’re the kind of man who tries to get it.She’ll help you make it and save it.A Cancerian woman may be fragile as far as her feelings are concerned, but when you need her, she will be as strong as the ‘Rock of Gibraltar’. She will also be very protective of her children and make them feel completely secure.The children will also be very close to her and no matter how much far they go from home, they will come back to her.
As you know from the other Sun signs, few women are perfect. The Aries girl is always running around hailing her own taxis and butting her head against brick walls, the Sagittarius girl is shockingly outspoken, the Scorpio girl can frighten you, Gemini can be fickle, Leo too proud- and so on. Cancer women ordinarily have none of these faults.Nevertheless, there are some “donts” to remember with Cancerian women.She hates to be criticized, she is deeply wounded by ridicule, and she just can’t stand being rejected.She won’t fail to impress you with her charm.Cancerian women prefer to save their deepest emotions for people closest to them. After you’ve dated other girls and compared them to her, you may go running right back to your female crab, and beg her to hang on again. Tightly.
Full Moon arouse all her latent talents. Under its spell, she can write a poem, compose a song or tear the veil off mysteries the philosophers have pondered for centuries.Moonlight, this is the time when there are maximum chances of catching true emotions. Bundle her off to the seashore at midnight for a walk in the moonlight. That’s when she’ll be at her best.You’re liable to see her whole range of emotions in the space of an hour. A strange transformation will take place when you get the typical Cancerian girl alone on a beach under a full Moon.