how to initiate cuddling with a girl

Learning how to cuddle with a girl can be difficult for some guys. Cuddling can seem more intimate and can make men feel more vulnerable t...

Learning how to cuddle with a girl can be difficult for some guys. Cuddling can seem more intimate and can make men feel more vulnerable than the act of making love. A man who was brought up as a child not to show his softer side can find it very difficult to cuddle with a girl and feel comfortable. But all is not lost. It is possible for you to learn how to cuddle with a girl, even if you are uncomfortable with the idea.
  1. Holding hands is an easy first step. If just holding hands doesn't feel natural to you, try taking her hand as you cross the street or as she steps off a curb. Not only are you breaking your aversion to cuddling, you're actually being a gentleman and keeping her safe.
  2. Cuddle while watching movies. This is a good time to cuddle with a girl, especially if you're watching a scary movie. If she's scared, she'll probably want you to hold her. You don't have to feel like you're being weak or vulnerable because you get to play the part of the strong man throwing a protective arm around her shoulder while she hides her face on your chest. See? Cuddling's not so bad!
  3. Cuddle with a girl when she's tired. There are plenty times when she may be tired and just wants to lay her head on your shoulder or lie down with her head on your lap. If she lays her head on your shoulder, this is another perfect chance to put your arm around her and make her feel loved. If she lays her head down your lap, you can caress her hair or shoulder.
  4. Cuddle with a girl after sex. This is often the hardest time for many men to cuddle. You may be feeling a bit vulnerable afterwards—she's seen your "O" face and everything. Then there's also the fact that it's almost impossible to stay awake after the deed. But rest assured, it doesn't take much. Let her snuggle up to you while you place an arm around her. As long as you don't turn your back on her and start snoring, she's going to be happy. She just wants to know she means as much to you afterward as she did before.
So you can see that it's easy to work cuddling into your relationship, even if you haven't been comfortable with cuddling before. Don't worry about appearing too vulnerable; you can find ways to cuddle and still keep your he-man reputation.

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